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Monday, May 10, 2010

Don't be a Fashion Victim

Okay ladies, let's be honest here for a minute, I've seen you do it, I know it's happened, you've been victim to a crime against fashion - either committing the crime or witnessing one.  Our judgment get's the better of us, it sometimes happens.  And then there are those of us who don't even know that a crime has been committed...well I'm here to help stop the inciting of those fashion violations!

Here are some "fashions" (I use that word loosely) that should be avoided wherever possible:

  1. Socks with Sandals - one of my biggest pet-peeves!: No excuses here ladies, Birkenstock's and sandals should only be left to those living in compounds.  If this does not apply to you, then refrain from this fashion violation.  "But my feet are cold", then please I beg of you, wear covered shoes.  But whatever you do, do not put those sock covered feet into a pair of sandals - Birkenstock's or otherwise.

  2. Cropped Pants and Short Boots:  I happened to witness this crime against fashion while I was shopping for gardening goodies at Costco.  A shorter lady was sporting a pair of these bad boys and all I could think of was "Why?!".  She was already short to begin with and the cropped pants - which ended up looking like flood pants on her - paired with short zip-up boots (not to be confused with booties) made her look stocky and disproportionate.  So please gals, if you want to do the cropped pant/boot look the rule of thumb is: when you are standing up and you can see leg space between the cropped pant and boot then your boots are too short.  The boot should be covered by the pant when standing/walking.  Otherwise stick to sandals (without socks!) or pumps.

  3. Exposing Panties: Yes ladies, I have seen this on girls over 30 - not that I recommend this look for anyone!  Exposing your panties/crack is not hot, it looks trashy and makes you look cheap.  Take my word for it, get pants that cover the rear and don't expose your unmentionables, you will thank me for it later!  I understand that sometimes it is unavoidable, but the gals that I caught a glimpse of were using this as a fashion statement, and that statement is not one that should be made.

  4. Clothes that are Waaaay Too Big: Why do we do this to ourselves?!?  Why is it that we think that by purchasing over-sized clothing is going to magically cover up parts of us that we don't want the public to see?  Well gals, I'm sorry to say, but this does nothing but emphasize the figure.  Yes, it's true, this "look" actually makes you look larger!  So please, please, please stop this crime against fashion, get clothes that fit and show off your curves!  Believe me, you and the public will be happier for it!!

  5. Clothes that are Waaaay Too Tight:  The flip-side of #4 above is another fashion no-no that a lot of women like to commit.  Clothes that are too tight provide the exact same emphasis as clothes that are too big - they draw the eye to places that many of us want to cover up, or in this instance, should cover up.  The difference between clothes that are too tight and clothes that are too big comes down to confidence and self-esteem.  The ladies who are sporting the skin tight threads tend to exhibit an air of confidence.  The only problem is, the rest of the world is looking at them like they should be street-walkers, and can't see the confident women that lay within.  So ladies please, do yourself a favour and get yourself some clothes one, two or sometimes even three sizes larger than what you're currently sporting and let's show off the confidence in how you present yourself, believe me, it will make the world of difference.

  6. Plastic/PVC Clothing:  Enough said.

  7. Wearing every Colour in the Rainbow:  I cannot believe that I have still seen women victim to the "I must look like the Crayola crayon box".  Ladies whatever you do, please do not mix all the colours you have in your closet and go out in public looking like one of Charles Manson's acid trips.  Wearing colour is great, wearing all colours at once was only good when you were in pre-school.  Tone it down and stick to colours that are coordinated and hues that don't clash.

  8. Pajama's In Public:  Really?!?  Why would anyone want to even consider this.  Pajama's are meant for the home, snuggled up with your loved ones in front of the fire on a chilly wintery morning - NOT for going to the mall or local grocery store.  I know what you're saying right now "but I was only going out for a pint of ice cream and a sappy love story to rent...", well ladies, that is not an excuse.  Throw on a pair of jeans, but please, please, please leave the jammies at home.

  9. Tattered Sweatpants/Clothing:  Never, ever, do this.  Don't subject yourself to this trap of thinking that ratty, tattered clothing is comfortable and worth subjecting the rest of the world to seeing you in.  Listen to me, you are not doing yourself any favours!  Tattered threads should either be torn apart completely and used to wash your car with or something to kick around the house in when you're doing the chores - but believe me ladies, your man will thank you if you don't decide to do the chores in these duds or ever sport them in public again.  So say it with me "I am going to cut these threads and never use them again!" - say it one more time, and then do the honour of cutting them into a million pieces!

  10. Hooker Heels:  Trust me you've seen them, they're the latest rage, sadly.  There is a reason I nicknamed them hooker heels and unless you are one of the lovely ladies of the night, do not wear these in public.  The privacy of your bedroom is fine, heck your man will probably get a kick out of them (no pun intended), but not in public.
So those are just a few of the fashion violations that I have witnessed over the past week.  Can you believe it, that's all in one week and that's from what I could remember!  Ladies, you are not doing yourselves any favours by committing these crimes and if you or a friend you know has been subject to one or more of these infractions, I say you issue her a citation and take her to the shops as quickly as you can!

Thanks for allowing me to be frank and candid with you today!!

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